American Legends

What You Need to Know About American Legends

American Legends is a sports card company made up of former collectors.  Since we all have experience buying and selling our own sports cards, we know how it feels to want to find trustworthy sports card buyers in NJ.  That’s why we’ve become exactly that.  Since 1992, we’ve built a reputation of fairness, integrity, and honesty.  If you’re interested in selling your cards but want to know a little more about us, then keep reading to find out more.


Why does selling to American Legends offer more protection than selling to other buyers?

You have many options when it comes to selling your sports card collection.  The downside is, that not every option is a good one.  Since there are many valuable cards in the market, you must be careful of less than reputable people online.  Potential sellers can take comfort in selling to American Legends because we have decades of experience with numerous sellers who have successfully transacted with us.


How does the process work?

When you’re ready to sell your cards, the process is straightforward.  Simply show us your cards and Mark Rubin will evaluate them and give you a fair offer immediately.  If you accept, you’ll walk away with payment right away.


What if I don’t think I’m getting a fair price?

At American Legends, we have a reputation of paying great prices for collections.  Since we have experience in the industry, we’re able to recognize the true value of a card and we’re willing to offer the right price.  Once we give you an offer, you have the right to decide whether you want to accept it.


How do I know what kind of cards you’re interested in purchasing?

In general, we’re looking for pre-1975 sports cards.  We also have an up-to-date list of what cards we’re looking for separated by sport.  For the list of cards we’re looking to purchase (based on what sport it is), you can go here.


When you’re ready to sell your sports card collection, make sure to sell to sports card buyers in NJ that care about your success.  If you have more questions about how the process works or what the next steps are, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Sell Your Cards Today!

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